Outdoor Photography magazine cover

Beetle 🪲 mania

The 300th issue of Outdoor Photography now out includes a four page feature length article about Jules’ adventures with his son photographing a couple of our most charismatic, threatened species of beetles: the stag beetle and glow worm.

BBC Wildlife cover and portfolio

BBC Wildlife cover and portfolio

The Spring issue of BBC Wildlife magazine, includes a 10-page portfolio featuring Jules’ work documenting the lives of the Roe deer and other wildlife that call cemeteries and churchyards home. As well as roe, red fox, barn owl and squirrels are all also included as part of the feature, accompanied by words crafted by Paul Bloomfield….

Wild Isles Woodland episode

Wild Isles: Woodland

Wild Isles — the landmark, five part natural history series celebrating the natural wonders of the British Isles, presented by Sir David Attenborough, is currently going out on Sunday nights on BBC One. Now that the episode has aired, Jules can share he worked over two years as a consultant on Episode 2: Woodland as…